Nursery Orders

Nursery orders are currently being taken by email only. Contact for details.

Our state-of-the-art nursery in Northern California specializes in the production of native conifer seedlings for reforestation, post-wildfire restoration, research, and conservation projects.

Growing Seedlings native to California Oregon and Washington

  • Ponderosa Pine
  • Jeffrey Pine
  • Sugar Pine
  • Douglas Fir
  • Red Fir
  • White Fir
  • Incense Cedar
  • Giant Sequoia

Other native conifer species can also be grown to support research and conservation projects.

From Seed to Forest

Seedlings are grown from seeds. These seeds are collected from cones in the forest and in seed orchards across California and are typically sourced from trees that are known to have preferred characteristics, such as good growth and disease resistance. Once collected seeds are processed at our Seed Center, which is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment where they are cleaned, processed and stored. Germination occurs after the seeds have been sown and are in the greenhouse for 1-3 weeks. Germination rate for conifer seeds ranges widely. Good seed germinates at above 90%. Seedlings are in the greenhouse at the nursery for at least six months before being provided to forest landowners – public and private – and other organizations involved in reforestation. The seedlings are then planted in the forest in the appropriate geographic area that the seed was sourced from. By planting seedlings, it increases survivability rates in the forest compared to natural seeding, reduces waste of seed, and helps restore forest conditions more quickly. Every year, millions of seedlings are planted by private and public forestland owners in the west. SPI alone plants three trees for every one we harvest. Annually we plant between 7-9 million seedlings across our forestlands. However, in years following significant wildfires, we will plant upwards of 12 million seedlings. This work provides for an on-going cycle that supports the health, resilience, and productivity of forests.

Helping to Meet California’s Seedling Capacity Need

Wildfires have burned millions of forested acres in California in recent years. More than a third of the forests have burned in high-severity fire which kills at least 75 percent of vegetation, leaving behind altered landscapes that without direct intervention, are likely to be replaced by brush. Seedlings are needed to restore forests after wildfire, insect and diseases infestations, natural disasters, and timber harvests. The California Wildfire and Forest Resilience Task Force Reforestation Working Group has evaluated the total need for reforestation across the State to be well over 2 million acres. 5 million seedlings were grown in the first year of production (2024) and 10.5 million seedlings are targeted for 2025. When fully built out, the facility will have a 25 million seedling capacity. 25 million seedlings can reforest approximately 125,000 acres per year.

To learn more about the work to collect seeds and grow seedlings:
  1. Cone Camp Video: Cone Camp: I Feel the Need, the Need for Seed
  2. Cone and Seed Collection: A Forest Stewardship Education program Webinar

Seedling Nursery

Our facility, which includes the support of a $3 million CAL FIRE grant, is positioned to help address the gaps in conifer seedling production to assist landowners in meeting their reforestation needs, including post-fire recovery on public and private lands. The nursery and seed center are located in Siskiyou County, California, one of the best growing climates for conifer seedling production.